COVID -19 .... Progress
Welcome to the new norm! As I write this, we’re on Alert Level 2 with the ability to have gatherings of up to 100 in a couple of days.
Celebrating The Observer
This month we celebrated the 100th issue of the Oxford Observer. The Observer was started in 2011 by Jill Edwards to fill the gap she saw in getting local news and information out to the rural areas around Oxford.
The Rise of the Flexible Workspace
Flexible workspaces, Co-Working, Shared Office, Community Hubs, whichever term or title you choose to use, there is no doubt that this is now ‘The New Normal’ for entrepreneurs, businesses and the individual savy across the globe.
Well… unusual times, to say the least! I hope you are all well. I hope your family are all well. I hope you have all coped under these testing times. As I write this column there is a merging light at the end of the tunnel. We are coming out the other side. Hang in there my fellow Cantabs. Not long now…